One evening, my daughter whom I shall only refer to as C, was in her bedroom suffering from intense neuropathic pain as, once again the medication wasn't working as intended. I went in to see her once I'd heard the painful noises she was making. It was difficult to even touch her due to her hyper-sensitivity and a simple touch caused further pain.
On an impulse I asked C if she would mind If I tried to help her in a different way and try to ease her pain. I managed to get her to sit up and I held my hands out on either side of her and this was approximately eight inches away and aligned with her chest and upper back.
I asked God and anyone who could help to give me aid to take C's pain away. In a very short time my arms and hands started to tingle and I felt an invisible force of energy emanate from my hands. I began to feel a high vibrational sensation throughout my body. I concentrated on removing her pain. She told me that she felt 'tingly' and that my hands were 'nice and warm' when I was rubbing her back. I replied that I hadn't touched her as I knew how sensitive to touch she was. After approximately ten minutes her pain began to dissipate and she appeared more visibly relaxed.
Afterwards we were talking about what had happened. I said that I just had an instant notion to try and help her in that particular way. I have used this method on C on a number of occasions and in the majority of times it has been been successful. C has described sensations such as warmth, tingling, rubbing, gentle massaging and feeling suddenly tired. I have also used this method to reduce C's rapid heartbeat to correspond to mine in a matter of minutes.
On another occasion C was in excruciating pain and I rushed into her bedroom and again I held my hands out either side of her. I said in a loud voice "I need some help now". Instantly an intense energy surged down my arms and through my fingers and into C. The energy became intermittent but, I knew when it was going to increase each time until C recovered.
Once again the experience was amazing and I felt marvellous at actually being able to help C in this manner, as, in the majority of occasions, I have been a bystander unable to do anything to relieve C's suffering. Once again, we discussed what had occurred. She stated that it was me that did it all and I said that I believed that I was only the conduit for the energy to flow through and, I directed it to where I thought it was needed.
Some questions that were raised afterwards are listed below.
Q1. Are we aways being watched and if we are, are the 'higher beings, higher powers' always ready to help us instantly?
Q2. Where does this energy originate from?
Q3. Who, if anyone, controls this energy?
Q4. Is there a way to harness and store this energy internally until needed and is it always available?
Q5. C mentioned massaging and rubbing. Does this mean that 'invisible beings' are in attendance and giving help, or is it an aspect of 'intelligent energy'?
Q6. If the energy is controlled once it left my hands, how is it controlled, by whom so that it's best potential can be achieved. Is it an intrinsic part of the Creator?
Thanks for responding Adam. They are helpful and have given me the impetus to delve a little more into Solfeggio frequencies and its effects on the body. One evening I was stood on the landing and my daughter said she saw energy in the triangle area between my legs and the floor and she described it as small shimmering starlike movements. This was in the dark. I have read about Crowley and others regarding accruing energy through sexual means. I was wondering if energy is neutral and changes due to the needs of the practitioner. I certainly agree with intention being extremely important and belief must be paramount too. Sometimes after I have been in the presence of 'higher powers' and once my bodily vibration decreases from feelings of bliss, I breathe deeply a few times and my vibration increases albeit, only for a few seconds. I wonder if this is residual energy that could be 'stored' in ones auric energy field. Thanks again.
It's awesome to read about how you were able to ease your daughter's pain with little more than concentration, love, and intent.
Energy healing is a wild one, isn't it?
It seems to have been around for quite some time, with Reiki being one of the most recent forms. The Ancient Egyptians are said to have used a version called Sekhem and if Jesus was walking around healing with his hands, well, it sounds rather like Energy Healing to me!
I'll try to answer your questions as best I can before posting an article on Energy Healing, which I'll link to in this thread when published!
You know more about Realms and Dimensions than I 😁 I'd suggest the only possibility is the instantaneous availability of energy... The only limiting factor is likely to be ourselves!
Prana? Chi? Life Energy? Might as well ask where the Universe came from Ron! 😂 Could have something to do with Aether or the vibrational energies that seem to give everything life. I tend to think frequency is involved in energy healing, but this is an area I continue to study!
I suppose we all do, to different extents. If it is indeed frequency-based, then this could indicate a potential limiting factor. I don't believe anyone can deprive us of this energy but ourselves... Though others could feasibly 'control' our access to this energy through influencing our thoughts and feelings? Low frequency states like fear and shame come to mind.
I'm certain it's always available to those who ask for it, as for storing it... There's a lot of speculation about building up and storing life energy, and sex is usually involved one way or another. The stored energy seems to seek a way out through primal urges if not handled and used correctly. This might explain the numerous examples of promiscuous spiritual gurus 🙈
Great question again, I've no idea 😂 It certainly sounds like intelligent energy to me, where it's doing simply what is needed for her. Having said that, it could just as easily be directed by an attending guide.
I suppose that's the question of whether you believe in a friendly universe? I was taught with Reiki that the energy is only ever beneficial and can't cause harm. Conversely, I'm led to believe that our intent is the most important part of any energy work. I'd like to think it's all benevolent and the extent to which it is depends on us.
My two cents on your questions! I hope they're helpful or interesting at the least 😁