Many worlds, realities, existences and dimensions abound which differ and resonate at different frequencies. All forms of life everywhere are permeated by the Holy Spirit and therefore all vibrations are known to the Creator. It is due to His wisdom that His energy is the unifying force
across all spectrums of frequencies and therefore allows us to change and raise our vibrations and to experience the bliss of a beautiful new reality. This small incremental step which connects us to spirit and, by extension, Source will slowly infuse its way into mankind's consciousness and can never be removed. As the universe takes notice and acknowledges the subtle change, the newly formed seed will germinate and continue to grow.
As the universe always seeks balance, the new vibrational energies will make connections across mankind. This will be intuited and recognized by the developing inner spirituality. Eventually the earth's vibration will increase synchronously with mankind's higher consciousness and therefore we will be a step closer to God. Man's newly raised spiritual expression of himself will be boundless and known throughout the cosmos. We will feel and know different dimensions and always seeking to be closer to the light. The old paradigm of living in dense energy will eventually ease and our physical bodies will dance in higher vibration. As we expand spiritually, unseen filaments of light spread out everywhere announcing our new intention.
As light will not diminish, it will continue the journey with man's increased consciousness as we are moved from one world to the next. Eventually, our world will begin to take a new shape as the foundations have started to be laid in earnest already. The cornerstone is comprised of universal love, belief, trust, compassion, empathy, grace and forgiveness with an inherent knowing that it is guided by the hand of God which will be instrumental throughout.