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Adam Pike SE
Sep 05, 2024
Welcome Ronald 😄
Unexpected Help
In Spiritual Experiences
Adam Pike SE
May 17, 2024
It's awesome to read about how you were able to ease your daughter's pain with little more than concentration, love, and intent. Energy healing is a wild one, isn't it? It seems to have been around for quite some time, with Reiki being one of the most recent forms. The Ancient Egyptians are said to have used a version called Sekhem and if Jesus was walking around healing with his hands, well, it sounds rather like Energy Healing to me! I'll try to answer your questions as best I can before posting an article on Energy Healing, which I'll link to in this thread when published! 1. You know more about Realms and Dimensions than I 😁 I'd suggest the only possibility is the instantaneous availability of energy... The only limiting factor is likely to be ourselves! 2. Prana? Chi? Life Energy? Might as well ask where the Universe came from Ron! 😂 Could have something to do with Aether or the vibrational energies that seem to give everything life. I tend to think frequency is involved in energy healing, but this is an area I continue to study! 3. I suppose we all do, to different extents. If it is indeed frequency-based, then this could indicate a potential limiting factor. I don't believe anyone can deprive us of this energy but ourselves... Though others could feasibly 'control' our access to this energy through influencing our thoughts and feelings? Low frequency states like fear and shame come to mind. 4. I'm certain it's always available to those who ask for it, as for storing it... There's a lot of speculation about building up and storing life energy, and sex is usually involved one way or another. The stored energy seems to seek a way out through primal urges if not handled and used correctly. This might explain the numerous examples of promiscuous spiritual gurus 🙈 5. Great question again, I've no idea 😂 It certainly sounds like intelligent energy to me, where it's doing simply what is needed for her. Having said that, it could just as easily be directed by an attending guide. 6. I suppose that's the question of whether you believe in a friendly universe? I was taught with Reiki that the energy is only ever beneficial and can't cause harm. Conversely, I'm led to believe that our intent is the most important part of any energy work. I'd like to think it's all benevolent and the extent to which it is depends on us. My two cents on your questions! I hope they're helpful or interesting at the least 😁
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What is one human quality you really appreciate?
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Adam Pike SE
Apr 20, 2024
That's two things 🙄
What is one human quality you really appreciate?
In Creative Questions
What is one thing you like about a Religion - other than yours?
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