I am not religious and don't attend church on a regular basis, however, for the past 56 years I have been looking for answers to questions that are difficult to formulate, especially as my mother died when I was a kid. On the subject of spirituality and it's associated subjects I have read at least 1500 books over the decades and, thus far, I have experienced some absolutely amazing personal events.
I wish to stress that I am no one special, I don't have a halo or glow in the dark, I am like everyone else.
Regarding God and my association with Him, I can say that a veil has been lifted finally. I go to a dark room and say the Lord's Prayer and the Prayer For Divine Love (written by Jesus) and give thanks for my life, family, house, car, food, dog etc. I talk to God as I would talk to anyone during the day ie, ' thanks for the dry weather God as I need these clothes drying, thanks for your help with the gardening and easing my painful damaged spine', mostly mundane stuff.
After saying prayers I stand in silence and very shortly after my physical vibration will increase and I will be filled with the most loving, blissful and peaceful feeling which is totally encompassing. I never want it to stop but, it lasts for about 20 seconds on average. After losing my dog after 14 years and after saying prayers, I asked God to feel His Divine Love, immediately and I do mean immediately, I was overwhelmed as my vibration went through the roof and the inner feeling of love and peace was beautiful. After about 10 seconds I felt a firm hand grip my left shoulder. I don't know if you can imagine being in a state of bliss and then receiving a shock, it's really difficult to explain, but, I almost jumped out of my skin. Afterwards I thanked God and started laughing and asked for the next touch to be a little less strong.
Now, each evening after prayers I feel a gentle touch on my left shoulder as my vibration and my body is filled with subtle, loving and Divine feelings. The hand sometimes rubs my shoulder and I feel it tingling always. This can happen during the day when I am reading or doing other things.
At times in the evening after praying I sometimes ask to feel the presence of my guardian angel and usually after about 30 seconds I feel a tingling on the top of my head which spreads all over the rear of my body as the vibrations increase and again, I am filled with total bliss and my guardian back angel usually puts hands on my shoulders at the same time and I have to stop myself from leaning backwards.
Two nights ago I was filled with the most subtle, peaceful feelings as I was thanking God for my life and all the experiences (good and bad) I have underwent. I could feel the gentle power of the increased vibrations pulsing in my body for about 2 minutes. I continue to have these feelings each night after prayers.
I don't know if this is God related, but, One night in bed I couldn't sleep due to the pain in my titanium hip and knee. In the dark I saw a golden white light appear, it was about 3 foot high and 4 inches deep with a slight curve. Immediately I began to feel a deep tingling sensation which started at my head and flowed down to my feet and back again and again. It reminded of a photocopier light as it moves back and forward. After a few minutes I felt hands massaging my hip and knee and the pain immediately ceased. Who was it? I don't know but I gave a grateful thanks to whomever it was.
There are people who want to see the proof that God exists, but, they wouldn't recognize the truth if it hit them with a cricket bat. God is in everyone of us and some, (rightly or wrongly), call it the Divine Spark. Since receiving these beautiful feelings over the years I can only say that God definitely exists and each of us has a life path to follow. We are all connected and each and every one of our souls is pure. There are many more experiences that I have experienced over many years and they are well documented. These range from visits by light beings, being taken to another dimension and worlds and shown proof that life exists on other planets. We are a minute life in a massive never-ending spiritual/physical universe but we are so very important to God and are loved by Him beyond measure. I am sure that God doesn't mind if you rant, rave, swear and cuss at Him, He will smile because you are acknowledging His existence at the same time. God is always listening.