Natasha Shadman
- Sep 5
- 1 min
Hold the Noise
Experience the gloriousness
Of being the sky that holds the stars,
Instead of the star
That tries to shine brighter.
Patricia Sumner
- Aug 26
- 6 min
The Promise of Dawn
"...a collection of readings and poems that were ‘spiritual’ in nature rather than ‘religious'... to mark life’s major milestones."
Bella Hope Smith
- Aug 21
- 2 min
Writing For Healing
"...if poetry helped me, that if I published my poems, it might help or encourage people to write their own poems too..."
Ronald Danks
- Jul 23
- 1 min
When all seems lost, never give up.
A poetic exploration of the depths to which we can sink and the help which is always there should we choose it.
Ronald Danks
- Mar 25
- 2 min
The Universe is always sending messages and the more we seek the more the Universe will be amenable to our quest.