Spirituality by it's definition can be a very subjective and emotive path for followers. As we all look for answers to give a greater meaning to life and the inherent inner power we each have, we change our perspective and adjust our actions to conform with the newly acquired knowledge. Some know that there is within, infinite worlds that can be accessed by various spiritual practices. Although these worlds are unseen, they can be felt physically and help to raise ones vibration and give impetus to the seeker. Spirituality and its consciousness has the ability to affect the whole population because love powers the universe.
Remember that heart is the power behind ones individual journey. The heart's energy is extremely important, abundant and has the ability to change and create so much. Allied to this is the immense power of the Holy Spirit which is infused in everyone. These powerful energies are the unifying force across all spectrums of frequencies which allow us to change and raise vibration, and hopefully, experience a new reality and the accompanying bliss. This small step which can connect to the higher vibrations will slowly infuse its way into mankind's consciousness and can never be removed.
As the universe always seeks balance, the new vibrational energies will continue to make connections among mankind. Eventually the Earth's vibration and frequency will will increase synchronously with mankind's higher consciousness and therefore be a step closer to the Creator. The old paradigm of living in dense 3D energy will cease as the physical self will be filled with light due to the increase in ones vibration and frequency. Eventually our world will begin to take on a newer form as the foundation for this has started to be laid in earnest.
It is incumbent on all to help with this by ignoring the belligerent offerings of the media, the scandalous and very often false news as it is intended to affect the emotive response by selling fear. Please, always be aware of reacting to these negatively because the purveyors of the news know that emotions are very powerful.. Fear is merely the absence of love, so live life as best as possible and as much as personal circumstances allow, knowing that there will always be more goodness in the world that not.
So please, continue smiling through life knowing that love is the greatest gift in existence and it can never be overcome as it is the most cherished gift. Let the essence of self shine as life is experienced. Love yourself first and foremost and know that we are all unique individuals who are loved beyond measure. Be love and enjoy this ephemeral dance of life.
Thank you so much for sharing this Ron, I'd love to send this out as a blog post if you don't mind? Everyone can benefit from reading this 😄